Tax as Inclusive on an Invoice Oracle EBTax R12
The tax inclusive handling setting at the tax rate level takes precedence over all other tax inclusive handling settings
This is documented in Note:1082008.1 How To Calculate Tax as Inclusive on an Invoice?
(1) If the customer needs inclusive tax line irrespective of supplier set up.
Verify the set up at Tax Rates level (Tax Manager>Tax Configuration>Tax Rates>Rate Details)
Allow Tax Inclusion field should be set up for Standard Inclusive Handling - The price on the transaction line is inclusive of tax.
The tax inclusive handling setting at the tax rate level takes precedence over all other tax inclusive handling settings.
(2) If the customer needs inclusive tax line for a specific supplier.
Verify the set up at Party Tax Profile level (Tax Manager>Parties>Party Tax Profile>Third Party Site)
Verify the check the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive option
If this party intends to send or receive invoices with invoice line amounts inclusive of tax, check the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive box. This option overrides the tax inclusive handling setting at the tax level, but not at the tax rate leve