Showing posts with label Payables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Payables. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Oracle Apps : Steps to Implement Employee/Supervisor Approval Hierarchy

Purchasing-> Setup-> Organization-> Financial Options

Uncheck “Use Approval Hierarchies”

Purchasing-> Setup-> Purchasing-> Document Types

Click the update icon for specific document as in our case “Standard Purchase Order”

“Owner Can Approve” should be Unchecked.
“Default Hierarchy” should be left blank.

HRMS Manager-> People-> Enter and Maintain-> Find->Assignments

Select Supervisor Tab and select Supervisor

Purchasing-> View-> Request-> ”Fill Employee Hierarchy”

3 Stars
Oracle Apps : Steps to Implement Employee/Supervisor Approval Hierarchy
Reviewed by Anurag Jainon Jul 07 1995
Rating: Your-Rating

Monday, June 22, 2015

Oracle Apps : Steps to implement Position Hierarchies

Create a User

System Administrator -> Security -> User

Assign Purchasing and HRMS Responsibility

Create Employee

HRMS Manager-> People-> Enter and Maintain ->New

Click Assignment Button to Assign Job and Position

Assign Job and Position

Assign Employee to User

Go to System Administrator -> Security - > User

If Employee is not a buyer, We will get a pop-up as below

Press “Add Buyer” Button to make an employee a buyer

Go to Purchasing->Setup->Personnel-> Buyer

To remove an employee as buyer Query the employee name and End Date it

Now Create a Purchase Order Purchasing- > Purchase Orders -> Purchase Orders

Enter the PO Details

Assigned User’s employee will be defaulted as Buyer

Press “Approve” Button to approve the PO

Document Types in Purchasing

Purchasing-> Setup-> Purchasing-> Document Types

“Owner Can Approve” Option if checked and employee is assigned to a Approval Group which has no limits to approve the PO created then created PO will get approved.

Setup Steps

Uncheck the “Owner Can Approve” box in Document Types under Standard Purchase Order
Purchasing-> Setup-> Purchasing -> Document Types

Assign the Default Hierarchy that needs to be followed in Document Types under Standard Purchase Order
Purchasing-> Setup-> Purchasing-> Document Types

Go to Financial Option and check “Use Approval Hierarchy”
Purchasing-> Setup-> Organization-> Financial Options

Position Hierarchy in HRMS Manager should have a correct assignments as required.
HRMS Manager ->Work Structures ->Position ->Hierarchy

Superiors approval Limit should be good enough to approve the Purchase Order created.

Defining Position Hierarchy

  • Purchasing-> Setup-> Purchasing->Document Types
  • “Owner Can Approve” Option Uncheck “Default Hierarchy” should be assigned
  • “Forward Method” if it should directly go to the next level employee who has the authority to approve the select “Direct” else select “Hierarchy”

Purchasing-> Setup-> Organization-> Financial Options

“Use Approval Hierarchy” box should be checked

Friday, March 27, 2015

Oracle Apps R12 Query to Find Payment against Invoice

SELECT b.segment1 vendor_number,
       b.vendor_name vendor_name,
       a.invoice_num invoice_number,
       (SELECT MAX (check_date)
          FROM ap_checks_all aca, ap_invoice_payments_all aip
         WHERE aca.CHECK_ID = aip.CHECK_ID AND aip.invoice_id = a.invoice_id)
          "Last Payment Made on",
  FROM apps.ap_invoices_all a,
       apps.ap_suppliers b,
       apps.ap_supplier_sites_all c,
       apps.ap_payment_schedules_all d,
       apps.ap_invoice_payments_all ap,
       ap_checks_all ac
WHERE     a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
       AND a.vendor_site_id = c.vendor_site_id
       AND b.vendor_id = c.vendor_id
       AND a.invoice_id = d.invoice_id
       AND ap.invoice_id = a.invoice_id
       AND ac.CHECK_ID = ap.CHECK_ID
       and ac.STATUS_LOOKUP_CODE <> 'VOIDED'
       AND a.org_id = 89
       and a.invoice_id= 1234
       AND a.pay_group_lookup_code IN ('DISTRIBUTOR')
       AND ac.check_date BETWEEN TO_DATE ('01-Apr-2014', 'DD-MON-YYYY') AND TO_DATE ('30-Jun-2014 23:59:59', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Steps to Create Supplier, Supplier Site and Supplier Banks : Oracle EBS R12

Below are the steps to create Supplier and related sites and banks in Oracle EBS R12

1) Choose the responsibility “Purchasing Super User”. Navigate to “Suppliers” window using the path “Supply Base -> Suppliers”.

2) Enter the supplier name in the “Create Supplier” window. Press on the “Apply” button.

3) To create a supplier site, an “Address” should be created first.

 Click on the “Address Book” in the “Suppliers” window to navigate to the address creation window.

 Click on the “Create” button to create the “Address”.

 Enter the address details and click on “Continue” button.

 Associate the “Address Sites” with the necessary operating units. Click on the “Apply” button. Supplier site is now created for the supplier as shown in the below screen shot.

 4) Create contacts for the supplier site.

 Click on the “Contact Directory” in the Suppliers window.

 Click on the “Create” button.

 Enter the contact details as shown in the above screen shot. Associate the supplier site with the contact in the “Addresses For the Contact” section. Click on the “Apply” button.

 Contact is created as shown in the above screen shot.

5) Create or associate bank accounts to the supplier site.

 Click on “Banking Details” in the Suppliers window.

 Select the level at which you want to create or associate the bank for the supplier. We are choosing to create the bank account at the supplier site level. Click on the “Create” button.

 Select the Country, Bank and Bank Branch as shown in the above screen shot.

 Enter the bank account details and press on “Apply” button.

 Bank account is created for the supplier site.